Bay Window, Front seats, Front wardrobe, Madmatz, rock and roll beds
Gill & Tim came to us earlier in 2013 to discuss their camper options. We provided a complete service including electrics, upholstery and the camper interior, including compressor fridge, smev appliances and 12v/leisure battery. Click the photo for more details...
Altro, amtico, Flooring, Madmatz
We’ve been adding some new content to our website, check out the first new page on Interior finishes – just a small example of some of the flooring, VW interior options, Wood veneer options here
amtico, door cards, Front seats, headlining, rock and roll beds, Splitscreen, upholstery
Here’s Mark’s splitscreen, been in planning a while and was completed last month… check out the gallery pages here for Mark’s splitscreen camper