Released: Walnut Ki Westy Deluxe

Released: Walnut Ki Westy Deluxe

Released: Walnut Ki Westy Deluxe We have released our very popular Ki Westy Deluxe in a traditional Walnut finish.  For those wanting to keep the colour scheme of Walnut and orange, here is the perfect interior for you.  We just love this interior and think it looks...
Dave’s Classic Camper

Dave’s Classic Camper

Dave’s Classic Camper Dave came to see us at the Busfest show looking for an interior to fit with a full width rock and roll bed.  He had considered the weekend unit but wanted more space and retaining the classic camper styles but with a modern twist. After...

KI Westy Deluxe v3

Hi All, We’ve been busy developing a new Ki Westy Deluxe – the original is still available but we’ve been asked for a couple of bespoke changes to our original design. The following interior will be available to buy at Busfest 2013 in September, you...

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